Published 2025-01-23
- Waste Picking,
- Gender,
- Social Reproduction,
- Circular Economy,
- Femininity
- Masculinity ...More
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Copyright (c) 2025 Rachma Lutfiny Putri, Freek Colombijn

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Gender differences in the work of female and male waste pickers have often been overlooked. In this article we want to show that for waste pickers in Indonesia there are remarkable similarities between female and male waste pickers. At first sight, there is practically no division of tasks between female and male waste pickers. Nevertheless, the domestic chores of women, gendered differences in stigmatisation, and possible societal expectations about the compatibility of waste picking with femininity do seriously hamper their work as waste pickers. A better understanding of how waste picking is done is important because the activity is one step in recycle chains in the Global South. The article also warns against the generic use of the term ‘waste picker’ without carefully distinguishing between their different roles in the municipal waste management assemblage.
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