Article Categories
The journal publishes four distinct types of article.
Research (peer-reviewed)
Research articles (7–9,000 words) present original research, either by individual researchers or a team of collaborators. Presenting new findings is the main requirement to fit this category. Novelty can be either empirical, methodological or theoretical. Climate reconstructions and other statistical results from original research referred to in research articles should be published as supplementary material in accessible file formats. Detailed explanations of complex methodologies necessary to reproduce the research results presented, while too extensive to be part of the main article, should be provided in a supplementary document.
Reviews (peer-reviewed)
Review articles (7–9,000 words) provide surveys of the state of discussion on an important theme in climate history. The chosen focus should be broad enough to cover a considerable body of literature. Note that CCH does not publish conventional book reviews. Review articles should identify the most important controversies and represent the development of a research area or topic over time. Moreover, they should speak to a broader audience as defined by the interdisciplinary field of historical climate research, not only to specialists. The purpose of review articles is not merely to survey existing research, but also to make suggestions for future pathways of investigation in the respective area.
Perspective (peer-reviewed)
Opinion articles (3–5,000 words) are pointed statements on controversial topics of historical climate research, written in an essayistic style. The choice of topic is crucial. The argument made can be biased, but should be conclusive. Contributions in this format will not require complete lists of references, nor is foundation of the argument in original and innovative research by the author(s) mandatory.
Teaching (peer-reviewed)
Teaching climate history is a demanding task that requires interdisciplinary knowledge and the skill to convey complex methodologies. CCH plans to provide a forum on Climate Literacy to foster the exchange of teaching and learning experiences, of which teaching articles will be an essential part. Teaching articles (3–5,000 words) may address key problems of teaching climate history, discuss educational strategies, explain syllabi for classes or even outline entire teaching programmes. There is thus a wide range of potential topics. Teaching articles will be peer reviewed by experienced scholars in the field, to evaluate the validity, novelty and originality of the article content with regard to teaching practice.
Authors should note that CCH is an open access journal. The journal's funding structure is currently being investigated.