About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Climates and Cultures in History is a fully Open Access journal addressing the social, cultural, political and economic dimensions of climatic variability in human history around the world.
Peer Review Process
CCH publishes various types of article. The core of the journal is built by its peer reviewed contributions: research articles, review articles, perspective pieces and teaching articles. Papers submitted should be suitable for publication in one of these four categories. Submissions will be screened for suitability by the editor. All potentially publishable papers are then sent to two scholars with appropriate research interests who have agreed to act as referees. The editors acts on the referees' advice in taking the final decision on whether to accept, reject or request modifications by the author(s). This review process is double-blind. CCH adheres to the publication standards and ethics shared by all White Horse Press publications.
Open Access Licensing
All articles in CCH are published under a Creative Commons license CC BY 4.0.
The journal is actively seeking funding to support fee-free open access publishing.
Journal History
The journal issued its first open call for papers on 25th October 2021, and commenced publication in 2024.
We take pride in the fact that we have received hardly any complaints about our publishing process. If anything does go wrong, however, you can get in touch any time using the details here.