Calls for Participation


Call for Special Issue Proposals

The Journal of Population and Sustainability (JP&S) invites proposals from guest editors for special issues on any area of the relationship between demographic dynamics and environmental change. The JP&S is the only ‘Diamond’ Open Access interdisciplinary journal exploring all aspects of the relationship between human populations and environmental sustainability. The journal is intended as a forum for the discussion of the broad nexus between population, consumption, technology and environmental change, but is also concerned with the (frequently bidirectional) relationships between demographic dynamics and environmental change as well as issues of international development and human welfare in the context of environmental sustainability.

Suggested areas of focus for special issues are as follows, but we welcome any proposal that fits with the aims and objectives of the journal.

• Sustainable food production/consumption and population growth

• Implications of population dynamics for global and regional economics

• Population dynamics, development and energy demand

• Population dynamics and biodiversity

• Population dynamics and human–animal conflict

• Population dynamics and climate change

• Population dynamics and local environmental change (including land-use change)

• Population dynamics and fresh water availability

• Population dynamics and emerging diseases

• Sexual health, fertility and sustainability

• Social and environmental implications of population ageing

• Environmental change and migration

• Population, development and environmental justice

Interested parties should email a brief description of their proposed Special Issue along with a list of potential contributors and any other supporting information to the editor, David Samways: david.samways [@]