Population dynamics, urbanisation and climate change in Africa’s intermediate cities: What can family planning contribute?
Published 2022-10-18 — Updated on 2023-08-29
- population dynamics,
- climate change,
- urbanisation,
- intermediate cities,
- family planning
- Africa ...More
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Copyright (c) 2022 Sunday Adedini

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Africa’s large cities are rapidly urbanising and are becoming expensive, regressive and unhealthy; hence, secondary or intermediate cities have become the continent’s backbone for absorbing most of the urban population growth. Africa’s intermediate cities will be home to more than half its urban population by 2030. However, these cities have considerable investment gaps in critical infrastructure: consequently, they are less resilient and face disproportionate disasters and risks of climate stressors and other environmental challenges. The vulnerabilities of Africa’s intermediate cities are exacerbated by rapid urbanisation and inappropriate planning. As Africa’s intermediate cities continue to experience population growth and rapid urbanisation occasioned by a youthful population, high fertility and excess of births over deaths, family planning is one of the most critical investments that city leaders and officials can make to ensure a slow urban population growth and thus buy sufficient time for governments to put critical hard infrastructure and appropriate planning in place to support healthy living. Increased investment in family planning will contribute to prosperous and resilient intermediate cities in Africa.
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