Published 2023-02-03
- Sustainable Development,
- Family Planning Progress,
- Composite Index,
- Contraceptive Prevalence,
- Family Planning Demand
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Copyright (c) 2023 Aalok Chaurasia

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This paper analyses family planning progress in 113 countries in the context of meeting the demand for family planning through a composite progress index that measures progress in three dimensions – demand for permanent methods, demand for modern spacing methods and expansion of method choice – following the progress triangle approach. This paper suggests that in more than forty per cent of countries analysed, family planning progress remains far from satisfactory in meeting the family planning demand and there is substantial inter-country variation in the progress. In some countries, progress appears to have reversed. The inter-country variation in family planning progress is primarily the result of inter-country variation in meeting the demand for permanent methods. The analysis calls for the reinvigoration of family planning efforts to meet the target set under the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and the FP2030 initiative.
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