Editorial Team

Editor: John Charles Ryan  
  Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Nulungu Institute, University of Notre Dame, Australia

Deputy Editor: Isis Brook
  Visiting Research Fellow, Bath Spa University


Associate Editors

Clare Hickman  Environmental and Medical History, Newcastle University
  Historic gardens and landscapes; past botanic collecting and collections; cultural histories of natural spaces and plants that have been classed as having therapeutic properties

Diego Molina  Royal Holloway, University of London
  Plant-human interactions in Latin America; environmental history of plants and botanical science (e.g. travellers, scientific representation of plants, botany and power); plants in cities (especially in the tropics); photography and plants

Niall Peach  University of Cincinnati
 Vegetal–human entanglements in Mexico and the Caribbean: Rural and watery spaces, agribiopolitics and plants ('garden' sites); Blackness, Indigeneity, and environment: belonging and alternative reworlding with plants.

Jon Pitt  East Asian Studies Department, University of California, Irvine
  Entanglements of plant life and various forms of literature: fiction, poetry, SF, horror, nature writing, etc.; film (narrative, documentary, experimental) and sound media; East Asia

Mardi Reardon-Smith ADM+S Centre, Monash University
  Environmental anthropology and science and technology studies (STS); invasive plant species; traditional knowledges of biological resources; environmental management; political ecology

Laura Pustarfi California Institute of Integral Studies
  Trees; Continental philosophy; ethics; psychedelic plants

Mariko O. Thomas  Skagit Valley College
 More-than-human communication; plant storytelling; human-plant relationships; ecocultural identity; magic and mythology; environmental justice

Rachel Zollinger Endowed Assistant Professor (incoming), Art Education, University of Arkansas
Place and plant pedagogies; plants as metaphors, collaborators, and symbionts; art-based methodologies and plants


Reviews Editors

Subarna De  Chair Group Contemporary History, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Kristan M. Hanson   Curator of Collections and Exhibitions, Fleming Museum of Art, University of Vermont


Creative Submissions Editors

Prudence Gibson  University of New South Wales
Kristina Van Dexter  Willamette University


Post-graduate Representative

Goutam Majhi  Sadhan Chandra Mahavidyalaya (affiliated with the University of Calcutta, India)


Outreach Coordinator

Eline Tabak The University of Oulu



Editorial Board

Antonio Allegretti  Lancaster Environment Centre
Giovanni Aloi  School of the Art Institute of Chicago 
Yota Batsaki  Dumbarton Oaks
Emily Brady  Department of Philosophy, Texas A&M University
Anna Burton  English Literature, University of Derby
Sophie Chao  Lecturer, Discipline of Anthropology, University of Sydney
Shiuhhuah Serena Chou  Associate Research Fellow, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Jonathan Code  Sustainable Land Management, Royal Agricultural University
Norman Dandy  School of Natural Sciences, Bangor University
Stefan Dorondel  Francisc I. Rainer Institute of Anthropology, Bucharest
Felix Driver  Royal Holloway, University of London
Julia Fine  Stanford University
Christina Hourigan  Royal Holloway 
Luke Keogh  History, Deakin University
Joela Jacobs  German Studies, University of Arizona
Karen Jones  University of Kent
Andy Letcher  Senior Lecturer and Programme Lead for the MA Engaged Ecology at Schumacher College, Devon, UK
Susan McHugh  English, University of New England
Sara L. Middleton  Doctoral Researcher in Plant Ecology, Department of Biology, University of Oxford
Suzanne Moss  Head of Education and Learning, Royal Horticultural Society
Solvejg Nitzke  Interim Professor of Comparative Literature, Ruhr-University Bochum
Marcello di Paola  Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Palermo
Mykyta Peregrym  Botany, Ecology and Citizen Science, University of Oulu
Hannah Pitt  Environmental Geography, University of Cardiff
Jayson Maurice Porter  Postdoctoral Research Associate, Institute at Brown for Environment and Society (IBES)
Swarna Rangarajan  Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technolgy, Madras
Sumana Roy  Associate Professor, Creative Writing, Ashoka University
Craig Perez Santos  Professor, English Department, University of Hawai’i, Manoa
Maya L. Shamsid-Deen  University of New Mexico Department of Biology
Paolo Squatriti  Professor of History, University of Michigan
Doug Stewart  Professional Associate, Royal Horticultural Society
Barry Taylor  Archaeology, University of Chester
Steven White  Retired Lewis Professor of Hispanic Studies, St. Lawrence University; co-founder of Microcosms: A Homage to Sacred Plants of the Americas
Phakamani M'Afrika Xaba  Senior horiculturalist and researcher, Kirstenboch Botanical Garden