Current IssueVol 2, No 1 (2025)
Published March 18, 2025
Table of Contents
Research Articles
Visual Art
Plant Perspectives
Plant Perspectives is a new forum, grounded in interdisciplinary plant studies, to explore plant–human interactions in all spatial, temporal and cultural contexts. Plants are the central actors here, and the journal encourages new directions in the study of sensory, instrumental and affective entanglements between human and vegetal spheres. Papers will address a wide variety of subjects, including but by no means limited to: horticulture and arboriculture; colonialism and other power asymmetries; medicine, health and care; governance, rights and ethics; art and literature; film and media; heritage and leisure; traditional ecological knowledge; conservation and environmental change; and scientific communication. Taking ‘environmental humanities’ as its foundation, the journal warmly invites contributions from those working in academic disciplines such as anthropology, geography, history, literary studies, philosophy and social sciences; from those whose work transcends traditional disciplinary classifications or extends towards the natural sciences; and from those outside the academy, for example garden and forest practitioners, artists, creative writers and activists. Rigorous standards of double-anonymous peer review will apply to research articles, but the journal will also have sections showcasing a range of non-traditional forms (interviews, narrative fiction and non-fiction, poetry, visual and multimedia essays), subject to appropriate processes of evaluation. Plant Perspectives will thus be a place where the paths of different discourses cross and their branches intertwine, where scholars and practitioners with an interest in plants can develop and hone new thinking and where – crucially – the plant itself is always centre stage.
Plant Perspectives needs your help!
Keeping PP Open Access with no author fees means we need to raise enough funds each year to cover the journal’s production costs. If you'd like to see this new forum for interdisciplinary plant studies continue to be published on a freely accessible basis, there are a few ways you can help.
TOP BANNER (left to right): Diego Delso, Cemetery, Tulcán (Ecuador) CC BY-SA; Ben Luxworth at Adaptalux, Leaf; Wikimedia Commons, Kassel Mandragora.