Alien Plants between Practices and Representations: The Cases of European Spruce and Beach Rose in Finland Harri Uusitalo, Heta Lähdesmäki, Kirsi Sonck-Rautio, Otto Latva, Hannu Salmi, Teija Alenius 37-60 PDF HTML
Poppies and Women Under the Linden Tree in a Slovak Village: Exploring Culturally Significant Plants Through Informed Archaeological Storytelling Zuzana Chovanec 61-91 PDF HTML
Plants as Designers of Better Futures: Can Humans Let Them Lead? Julian Rutten, Alexander Holland, Stanislav Roudavski 92-139 PDF HTML
Photographic Phytography: Towards a Photographic Re-Centring of the Oak Tree within Theory, Material and Practice Epha J. Roe PDF HTML
Plant Intelligence in Moist Spaces: Designing Data Visualisations of Botanical Life Minjie Wen 216-232 PDF HTML
Joela Jacobs and Agnes Malinowska (eds), 'Microbium: The Neglected Lives of Micro-Matter' Maura Flannery 258-261 PDF HTML
Laura Drouet and Olivier Lacrouts (eds), 'Greenhouse Stories: A Critical Re-Examination of Transparent Microcosms' Tamara Caulkins 262-267 PDF HTML