Published 2017-10-01
- coercive paternalism,
- reproductive ethics,
- reproductive autonomy,
- liberal individualism,
- one child policy
How to Cite
Roche, Julian. 2017. “Beyond the One-Child Policy: A Response to Conly”. The Journal of Population and Sustainability 2 (1):61–71.
Copyright (c) 2017 Julian Roche

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The problems with Conly’s proposed ‘one-child’ policy are a good example of where the attempt to limit paternalism becomes self-defeating, and actually ends up potentially aiding the case against controlling population rather than promoting it, as well as negatively influencing the debate about paternalism more generally. There are many better potential ways of developing public policy towards population control than a ‘one-child’ policy that synchronise with richer ways to understand individual interests.
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