Published 2020-12-01
- Marxism,
- environmental impact,
- population control,
- freedom
How to Cite
Roche, Julian. 2020. “Marx, Population and Freedom”. The Journal of Population and Sustainability 5 (1):31–46.
Copyright (c) 2020 Julian Roche

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Marxists have long moved beyond a perception of Marx as a Promethean ecological vandal. Yet those disputing his environmental credentials are generally united in deploring the unhappy history of population control. They implicitly accept the idea of currently forecast future population levels as consistent with a Marxist view of human emancipation. This assumption should be challenged, on the basis of what resources a truly unalienated future may require in order to achieve real freedom for each future individual.
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