Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020)

Endangered species condoms: a social marketing tool for starting conversations about population

Sarah Baillie
Center for Biological Diversity
Kelley Dennings
Center for Biological Diversity
Stephanie Feldstein
Center for Biological Diversity
This image of the cover of this issue of The Journal of Population and Sustainability has the title in block letters on a grey-green background.

Published 2020-06-01


  • endangered species,
  • outreach,
  • overconsumption,
  • social marketing

How to Cite

Baillie, Sarah, Kelley Dennings, and Stephanie Feldstein. 2020. “Endangered Species Condoms: A Social Marketing Tool for Starting Conversations about Population”. The Journal of Population and Sustainability 4 (2):31–44. https://doi.org/10.3197/jps.2020.4.2.31.


The Endangered Species Condoms project was launched 10 years ago to bring the discussion of human population growth back into the environmental movement with a focus on human rights and reproductive justice. In that time, more than 1 million condoms have been distributed by thousands of volunteers. The principles of social marketing are used through the Endangered Species Condoms project to create a national discourse around the population issue. They are introduced in both formal teaching settings like high school and university classrooms as well as informal settings like community events and after-hours programing at zoos and museums to reach a broad, diverse audience.


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