Published 2022-01-21
- population,
- wildlife,
- perceptions,
- survey,
- segmentation
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Copyright (c) 2022 Kelley Dennings, Sarah Baillie, Ryan Ricciardi, Adoma Addo

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The Center for Biological Diversity conducted a paid, self-selected, national online survey on the knowledge, attitudes, behavioural intentions and norms around population growth to inform a theory of change that highlights education and reproductive healthcare as solutions. We surveyed 899 people across the US. The sample was recruited via MTurk and Survey Monkey was used to collect the data. Results were segmented by demographics to assist in building culturally sensitive, inclusive and effective campaigns advocating for rights-based solutions to population growth. Results demonstrated that the public draws a correlation between the number of people on the planet and the alarming rate of animal extinction.
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